Compound Tenses (2024)

February-June 2024 - Castel of Caen, salle de l'Échiquier.

At the heart of the Castel of Caen (Normandy, France), an architectural and landscape entity rooted in permanence, monumentality and heritage, the worksite asserts its evolving, precarious, unfinished, modest character, an anthill of forms and signs. A place of incompletion, between past and future, it is a telescoping of several temporalities.
This is where photography comes in. By framing the space and its components, by confronting the perennial with the transitory, it visually orders the apparent chaos in the form of documentary poetics. It then becomes a writing of time, a telling of the past from the present, shaping a history of the place. A historical relationship with the past at the heart of all heritage works.